

Born with an adventurous spirit, Nancy has been documenting life with photos and words since she was a young girl. For over 35 years, she’s enjoyed capturing other cultures with photos as she’s traveled and resided throughout North America, South America, Europe and Africa.

She carries 20+ years of corporate leadership experience in positions of management, coaching, training, staffing and general human resources.

Her broad continuous pursuit of learning includes: a B.A. in economics from Boston University, Advanced Masters level studies in Organizational Psychology at Columbia University, Coaching certificates from JFK University and PDI International and Master in Fine Arts work in photography at the Academy of Art University. She has also completed photography courses and workshops at UC Berkeley, San Jose State University and the Center for Photography at Woodstock.

Documentary photography represents Nancy Duranteau’s commitment to change the world one image at a time. Her leadership coaching and consulting firm advances the use of photography for accelerating personal growth and development. Creating images that showcase societal issues, she invites both clients and viewers to explore self-improvement and greater community awareness.